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Services we provide

Legal Services

We divided our legal services into the following business stage.


  • e-Service/VAT Tax Refund by vendors

  • Starting your Business in Thailand

    • Company’s Incorporation

    • Applying for promoted activities through the Board of Investment of Thailand

    • Applying for eligibility under the Treaty of Amity (US nationals or entities wishing to hold the majority of shares in Thai companies)

    • Applying for Foreign Business Licence (for foreign majority-owned companies wishing to conduct certain restricted businesses in Thailand)

    • Trademark, Patent and Copyright Registrations

    • Advising and assisting the implementation with regards to employment matters and work permit


  • Operating Business in Thailand

    • Advising on corporate and commercial matters, employment, mergers and acquisitions, E-Commerce, regulations, dispute resolution and real estate matters

    • Contract drafting or reviewing in Thai and/or English

    • Online in-house lawyers (part-time, full-time or casual basis)

    • Legal due diligence investigation

    • Corporate and litigation check

    • HR Department services


  • Pulling out from Thailand

    • Registration of company dissolution

    • Termination of employment, commercial contracts, permits and licences

    • Notifications to local governmental officials


Accounting Services

Our accounting practice addresses the following challenges: 


DIY your business's accounting

Not sure if your invoice, receipt, quotation contains all the legally required information

Not sure what info to be on your short and long form formats of your receipts

You have misplaced a receipt or document you need to keep in your record filing

The printing on your receipts fades away over time and cannot be used as a prove of your expenses

You have to courier your original collected receipts and other document to your accountant monthly or regularly

Not sure which expenses are tax deductable, and which are not deductible

Work's accounting are ok, not don’t have time to track personal finance

Not sure how to request for a receipt be issued for your business's expense

Paying too much tax

Looking for ways to reduce tax liability

No clear induction, reminders for what are expected to be done by business owner and/or accountant

How to prevent a tax audit and what to do if it happens

VAT Complied accounting and supporting documentation

BOI Complied accounting and supporting documentation

Industry specific accounting

Withholding tax treatment for business transactions

Withholding tax treatment for your employees

Structure of corporate tax

Foreigner shareholder tax implications 

Taxable level benchmarking and planning and adjustment

What's involved in the mid-year book closure

What's involved in the year-end book closure

Common practice in Thailand for book keepers, accountant and auditor

Thailand tax calendar

Real-time doc filing system - photo & email

Business Matching

If you are looking for Thai partners or if you are Thai companies looking to invest or set up your company outside Thailand, we look forward to hearing from you!

Cloud-based Services

  • HR and Payroll Management System on Cloud
  • Cloud-based Documents Retention Service

  • Cloud-based Contract Management

Translation and Notarial Services

Documents and contracts translations (English, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese) and Thai documents notarial services.


68/233 Sukhumvit 24, 

Klongton, Klongtoey

Bangkok 10110 Thailand


Tel: +66 (0) 827 010 313 (Thailand)

Tel: +61 (0) 451 051 550  (Australia)


Email: mds(at)

Email: jdp(at)

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